The rainy day (or, maybe, I should say rainy weekend) reminded me of a Ben Arment blog post I read recently wherein he describes a conversation with Larry Brey, Connections Pastor with Elevation Church:
"[Larry] told [Ben] that he loved rainy/snowy [Sundays]: 'People's expectations are low on days like this. We have the chance to exceed them.' And they did. I've never seen so many happy, wet people."
I wonder what church would look like if church staff approached Sunday gatherings with a sense of expectation--expectation that GOD was going to be present and that He would make sure people knew of His presence...but also exceeding the expectation that people might bring to corporate worship that is mundane and monotonous week after week. When people don't know what is going to happen in a church service, there's a sense of anticipation in the unknown mixed with the astonishment of worshipping a GOD who is incomparably awesome and, at the same time, unconditionally loving.
What if corporate worship could be full of anticipation of GOD and the expectation of no one else's agenda?
What if peoples' engaging had nothing at all to do with the weather?
I think the church walls wouldn't stand anymore.
I think peoples' walls would come crashing down.
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